
Full Version: Changing Dampers
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So... Would it be unconstitutional if I bought some Tamiya dampers to throw on my Sprint 2? ... When I say unconstitutional I mean, would it work?
I think it would be the right thing to do. ;-) I've read good things about TRF.

Fitment shouldn't be an issue.
they will fit, and they will work way better than the stock HPI shocks.
(04-15-2014, 06:22 PM)wareagle84 Wrote: [ -> ]they will fit, and they will work way better than the stock HPI shocks.

How do I get them off of the ball things? same for the camber adjustment things.

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I use a set of small pliers, grip and twist or "roll" to one side. It seems like a bad thing to do, apply pressure in a twisting motion, I know, but it's what you gotta do to get them off.
Others say you just use pliers and pull straight up/out...but that requires a lot more force and is more likely to break something IMO.
(04-15-2014, 07:53 PM)wareagle84 Wrote: [ -> ]I use a set of small pliers, grip and twist or "roll" to one side. It seems like a bad thing to do, apply pressure in a twisting motion, I know, but it's what you gotta do to get them off.
Others say you just use pliers and pull straight up/out...but that requires a lot more force and is more likely to break something IMO.

They'll just basically pop on and off with enough pressure?

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Yes, but like I said, use a twisting motion to "roll" the endcap or the cups off the balls, don't just yank straight off.
(04-15-2014, 07:56 PM)wareagle84 Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, but like I said, use a twisting motion to "roll" the endcap or the cups off the balls, don't just yank straight off.

This front one way... Should it be loose in the chassis or do I need to pull the bearings off the original front diff.

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you need bearings in the bulkheads for the FOW just like the stock gear diff has.
(04-15-2014, 09:54 PM)wareagle84 Wrote: [ -> ]you need bearings in the bulkheads for the FOW just like the stock gear diff has.

Got it all together. Rear locked after the like... 5th try and the front one way going. I was doing some work on the car and I guess I put some odd pressure on one of the steering parts causing it to snap... I now have to order and wait for that piece to come in.

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Pages: 1 2